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Posts tagged ‘compression bandage’

Postpartum girdles – Do they work?

Postpartum girdles - ew-710everydaywear

Postpartum girdles – Do they work?

If you’ve had a cesarean section, using a girdle or compression bandage isn’t medically necessary but it may offer an added sense of security. If a girdle or bandage makes you feel more protected and secure, it won’t hurt, even though it won’t necessarily help you lose weight or firm up.

I’m not sure if it worked for me like that, but after losing 10 pounds in a few hours, it helped give support for my abdomen. I hated the heavy and empty feeling of my stomach hanging there, my muscles too weak to hold it up, yuck. I wore it for as long as it made me feel comfortable, while easing into an exercise program, (gaining muscle strength by doing light leg lifts and sit ups- very, VERY carefully)

The Sculptures Everyday Wear garments designed to slim and tone, controlled my post-baby jiggle.  Sculptures Shapewear with comfortable invisible control gives you the look of a flattened stomach, slimmer thighs, and curvier curves.  You look better which makes you feel better!  The supportive control seems to improve posture and attitude, use this as motivation to develop a healthier lifestyle with good eating and exercise….and make every day Mother’s Day!!!